This week we will begin working with MS Excel.
This post will be updated during the week, so check back here from time to time for more details.
Design a simple survey to conduct among your friends and family to do your first MS Excel Chart!
(More details on how to do this will be given in class today)
Yesterday you saw how we can turn simple data into an interesting and attractive graph. For homework you cam up with a survey question and should have begun collecting data. Today we will look at a couple of ways to organize the data you're collecting to prepare for entry into Excel.
We will also have an opportunity to interview one another for our surveys.
Catching up and regrouping
WE NEED TO HAVE A LITTLE TALK... The computers have all been repaired, but there are some important changes.
***Period 6 and 7***
data entry (type your survey data into an Excel spreadsheet and create a graph from your data.
Copy/ paste your graph into an MS Word document.
Type your name and class period under the graph and print it. Give me the print-outs.
When you have finished, please make sure you have completed 2 blog posts this week. I will be checking over the weekend.
Is there anything else you need to catch up on?
Next week we'll being to look at some more elements of the MS Office Suite.
extra: some fun things you can do with Excel...
Try clicking HERE to create a piece of Excel artwork! You download the spirograph spreadsheet, then change the numbers to design a unique work of art!
Click HERE if you're a little more advanced in Excel.
Check out some more ART made in MS Excel!
And... by the way... my 1st period class may remember a conversation we had about learning game design. Did you know you could make GAMES in Excel???
TGIF! - December 3Period 1 - Lucky you, it's Week A and you have a full hour of fun with MS LUZZI!!! OMG, You are SO LUCKY!
By the way, by now your blog posts should be as awesome as mine. No lie.
Today, let's continue/ conclude the joy we've been cultivating through MS Excel.
- Try THIS lesson to learn a few more things about making a chart in Excel.
- Want to review the basics? Try THIS.
- More about formatting and the math Excel can do? Click HERE.
- Wanna know what I had for dinner last night?
- Wanna try a cool challenge (and listen to lame Goth music at the same time)? Click HERE and see how to make cool (but simple) art in Excel! The person who developed this lesson uses the Google logo, but any image could be used for a template here.
- Want to learn everything you ever need to know about Excel. HERE is a suite of lessons.
Please write 2 blog posts... free-write. any topic. I will check these over the next weekend.
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