Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Computer Apps Students:

It has been a long time since room 106 was my classroom. In fact, that school doesn't even exist anymore. It still matters, though. A lot of important things happened to me during the time that I taught in room 106. I made great friends, did fun projects with my students, and made some pretty stupid mistakes (which is an important part of learning, of course!).

In this lesson, we will be considering the conversational element of blogging. A blog post should invite your audience to participate... to be part of the conversation. I just read a great blog post about how to do this.

The post suggests using links, tags, and comments to keep the exchange dynamic. What I have done in the previous paragraph is created a link.

Blogger allows a place for labels. These are also called tags. Tags on your blog will help people find it in a search.

We'll see about comments shortly.


Brooklyn Art Teacher said...

When you click "Post a comment" on someone's blog, you will be able to say what you think about what they have written.

Brooklyn Art Teacher said...

It just makes it more fun. It makes it like a really thoughtful conversation, because you have time to collect your thoughts and compose a meaningful response.

trina said...


Brooklyn Art Teacher said...

Thanks for the comment, Trina!